Super powered data. Actionable insights. Enterprise AI Solutions.

vision, speech, video AI

Unlock Revenue streams

Enhance Sales & Marketing

Empowers your teams to manage, monetise and create content more efficiently.

Empower Advertisements

Track real-time data, deliver customer ROI metrics, and keep advertisers coming back

Optimise Talent Hiring

Assess talent pool and pinpoint the best candidates for your team’s open positions

Trusted Digital Identity

ID Card scanning, Photo matching with Liveliness check, document detail extraction digitally

Transform Documents & Databases

Extract content from static documents and databases. Interact using natural language

Audio, Video Analysis

Real time analytics and dashboards for effective tracking, meaningful data for improved decisions

Proven Technology Across Industries

The product enables seamless verification of person remotely using their mobile phone. ID card scanned using mobile camera OCR, read ID card secure data over NFC – PACE, BAC, ICAO data formats. Selfie capture, face match and further workflow integration.

Every document submitted by candidates during onboarding is scanned automatically (Document OCR), extracted information converted to structured data. The data is analysed using Natural Language Processing to attribute relevance and context to content.

Ready to use Solutions

Speed up accurate content creation, reviews

Advertisements, marketing and sales content

Create, review, publish, analyse content in simple steps

Transform tedious effort of hours to seconds

Automate Interviews

Create, share, track, analyse interviews using combination of audio, video, text, reading, writing Q&A. Get reports to filter best fit candidates.

Trusted, world class standards compliant KYC

Identity Verification

ID Card OCR, NFC Secure Data Extraction, Liveliness, Face Match, Geo Fencing for multiple use cases

Convert static documents and databases to interactive

Data Intelligence

Convert your databases, knowledge base, documents from across the enterprise to data that teams can interact with easily


Increased efficiency


Reduced cost



It’s time to create

You chose. Between ready to use solution or custom built system.